Mijn boeken vind je hier: boeken op Papieren Avonturen

15 March 2009


Het is gek, je verwacht dat je het papier voor je ogen ziet vergaan, maar blijkbaar is daar toch wat meer tijd voor nodig...
Weird, I expected to see the paper decay in no time, but apparently it needs some more weather to do so...

Ondertussen is de lente losgebarsten in de tuin. De narcissen en het longkruid bloeien. De puttertjes maken zich op voor het broedseizoen en dat pakketje... ik wacht af...
In the meantime spring is starting to appear in the garden. Daffodils and lungworts are blooming. Goldfinches are preparing for breeding season and that little bundle... I'll wait...

Look here for
Seth's disintegration project and my previous post

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  1. We don't have any weather...

    Don't tell Seth...but every time I water my plants, I aim the hose at the bundle for a couple seconds. :)

  2. Dat is verbazingwekkend..ik had ook een al verder zijnde staat van ontbinding verwacht. Nou ja, afwachten maar.

  3. Dymphie, I think you'll have to put a lot of patience into that project ;-) Look at the project "Waldkunstweg" where Swiss paper artist Katharina Sochor-Schüpbach participated with sculptures made of paper: installed in 1997, they were still in good shape 7 years later, and I guess they still are!

  4. Thanks for the update Dymphie. My bundle hasn't changed much either. I am beginning to think we should change the reveal date to May 1, 2010!!! Just kidding! And Julie -- your secret is out!


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yep, i'm counting too :)